Marco Danesi, clarinet

Marco studied clarinet at the Verdi Conservatory in Milan with Sergio Delmastro, at the Juilliard School in New York with Charles Neidich, and at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, where he earned a Master Degree. As a member of Duo Ebano, together with Paolo Gorini, he was awarded first prize in the Storioni Toonzaal Prijs 2017 and invited to play in prestigious venues and radio programmes in the Netherlands. The Duo Ebano was also awarded the second prize at the Yasaye International Music Competition in Liege (Belgium) and, more recently, the first prize ex-aequo in the Salieri-Zinetti International Chamber Music Competition in Verona (Italy). Marco strives consistently to expand his artistic boundaries by exploring new music going beyond the conventions of classical performance to connect with audiences and collaborating with living composers. Beyond his commitment to Ensemble Resilience, he has performed with Dedalo Ensemble (Milan) and Asko-Schoenberg Ensemble (Amsterdam).